Thursday, February 25, 2010

Toss Up

I need a pick-me-up.

Tomorrow is a very rare day-off-with-daycare. I am conflicted. I could go across the street and crash on Mary's couch while her daughter Adrienne watches the girls. I could spend the whole day thrift-shopping (with restraint...we're down to very little in the bank). I could go to San Francisco and jell in the hot tubs at Kabuki Hot Springs for $20. I could hide in the attic and clean it out.

I could hoe the park strip in the front and start hauling rocks from the back to fill it in.

I could curl up somewhere, unwashed and feeling fat, and eventually grow depressed.

What do you do when you need a pick-me-up? How much money is required, if any?

What is your ideal soul-regeneration day?


  1. Pack a picnic and go rowing in Golden Gate Park?

  2. Well, I certainly wouldn't pick the hoeing/rock hauling option for soul regeneration. Go for the shopping.

  3. There's a dilemma I can definitely relate to..I can rarely decide how to spend my down-time, and often end up regretting whatever I do decide (if I lie around like a sloth I think "shoulda done yardwork", or if I go shopping I think "shoulda laid around like a sloth", etc..) Given how exhausting your life seems these days, I would definitely vote for something restful, but maybe that doesn't feel like "doing nothing".. personally I love the thrifting; any chance you could squeeze in that AND a hot tub soak?

  4. Update: I slept until 11, then hit two thrift stores with my friend Mary. I bought a bunch of crap and then ate pancakes. I'd say the day was a big success!
