Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Drum Fill, Please!

I was in line at the Kaiser pharmacy in Napa yesterday, waiting for my Paxil refil. Sandwiched between a big gray guy with an oxygen tank and a big normal-colored guy with a germ mask, and behind about twenty others, I decided to call the psychiatry department and make a new appointment with the therapist who had canceled on me last week. This was the phone conversation (which was overheard by everyone):

Operator: Psychiatry department.
Me: Hi, I'd like to reschedule an appointment with Dr. X, who had to cancel last week.
Operator: Ok, let me check. [pause] Sorry, there are no appointments. Um, what were you going to see him for?
Me [noting ironically that my Paxil-withdrawal symptoms were in full effect]: Ah, well, depression, anxiety.
Operator: Are you going to harm yourself?
Me: No.
Operator: So, um, what is the reason for the depression?
Me: Well, I was recently diagnosed with cancer.
Operator [stunned]: Oh! Oh, I'm sorry.
Me: Thank you.
Operator [back to her list]: So, what is it about the cancer diagnosis that has caused you to seek psychiatric help?
Me [pausing incredulously]: Well, let's see.... How about having to confront my mortality?
Operator: ...
Me: I mean, it was kind of a shock?
Operator: Ok, I see. Are you taking any medication?
Me: Yes. Paxil.
Operator: For what?
Me (sighing): Anxiety.
Operator: Is it helping?
Me: Yes.
Operator: So let me recap: you have been recently diagnosed with cancer, you aren't going to harm yourself, and your anti-anxiety medication is working. And you want to see a psychiatrist.
Me: Strangely enough, yes.

I couldn't help laughing afterward (after I had taken my 40mgs). Poor girl.


  1. Arrrrrgggghhh! I am amazed at your paxil-less patience.

  2. That is straight-up hilarious. Do these psychiatric operators get special training? (and are those phone calls recorded for quality control?) Or do the doctors just instruct them to filter out as many potential appointments as they can, by whatever means necessary?

  3. Hilarious!!I think you should email a link to this post to your doctor.
