Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Grace in Small Things #1

I'm copying this idea from a blogger I follow. She makes a point to note several positive events from her day.

*Probably the best good work news I've had in a long time came today. My teaching evaluations from last semester (when I taught five courses) came back, and they were the highest they've been since my first year here. My second-to-last tenure review is next fall, and my scholarship isn't going to be as good as it was in my third-year review, so these marks really matter, timing-wise. The best part of it, though, was that last semester, I got brave and made all 125 of my students evaluate me, not just the best sections of the five.

*I'm heartened by your good wishes, both on and off this blog. Even though most of you are far away, I've felt you close in my heart in these last few weeks. Thanks. Love matters.

*Rosa mentioned in a comment that Jeff and I should get a boat. She putts around the Dutch canals in hers and says it's great for her soul. Funny, we do live about ten blocks away from the Napa River, and I busied myself the other night imagining what kind of contraption you would need to portage a small dinghy or sailboat or canoe down to the little launch pad. We could put the girls inside and just roll down the street. Imagine that!


  1. Congrats on the high evaluation marks ! I'd say that actually counts as a medium-to-large sized "thing" !

  2. There are many ways to get a little boat there Bucket.. but arent there 'parking places' by the water for the boats? Or is that a Dutch thing? ;-) It would be so great if you would get one. The girls would love it too! Love the image of putting them in the boat at home and rolling them down the street to the river. Do it! It's an easy, mellow, cheap and soulsoothing way to spend a whole afternoon with yourself or the whole family. There is something about being on the water that just really works. Napa river.. go tame her!
