Monday, May 31, 2010


I haven't had much to say lately, but I thought I'd check in with the new surgery update. My second lobectomy was last week, and it went just fine until I went into a calcium deficiency-caused whole body cramp. I thought I would have to go back to the hospital, until I learned that I could just take a few calcium pills and it would go away. It was terrible, let me tell you! Anyway, the surgeon cut out the old scar on my neck and gave me permission to see a plastic surgeon for the new one, since the old one had keloided.

The good news is that the pathology report came back with no malignancy in the right lobe. Hooray for me.

The bad news is that I will have to begin a low iodine diet AND go off my synthroid in July, to prepare for the radioactive iodine treatment at the end of the month. This doesn't sound fun AT ALL.

On other matters, the girls turn two on Wednesday!

Jeff and I have had the last two days baby-free, and took advantage of it to spend an afternoon and evening with Tim and Valerie, up in Calistoga. I did something I haven't done in months: lie in the sun like a big fat hippopotamus.


  1. So glad to hear your surgery went well, and I hope that the remaining/upcoming unpleasantness will be as short-lived as possible..
    Happy early birthday to your two little darlings!!

  2. Hey Jules!
    Why did you need the radioactive dealy when the whole thyroid is out? From what I have understood that is to kill the thyroid when it is overactive.

  3. Had an awesome time with you and the fam for the gals' b-day!!
