Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More Evidence of My OCD

I used to keep a calendar titled "Sanity Guide," which consisted of one long, horizontal line. On this line I recorded major events/accomplishments. I began the line in 2003, when I had come to a kind of career crossroads: the line was meant to track my attempt to cross back into academia after settling into a lucrative administrative job at a university writing center. Over time, the line grew, and the events piled up: the lectureship in California, the first article published, the first grant, etc. At some point, life-outside-work events were added: the wedding, the fertility battles, the birth of our daughters....

Somewhere along the line, I misplaced my sanity guide...this sounds funny to write! At one glance, I used to be able to see what can only be described as the big picture. Not only did this calendar let me see how far I/we have come, it also helped me weigh new decisions in a "past-is-prologue" way. I liked it when events of similar weight happened with some consistency, if that makes any sense. Building our house in Santa Cruz will definitely happen sooner, I truly believe, if I keep track of its progress.

I realize today that I need to dig that important piece of history out of wherever I put it, and staple another page to it. Life must go on!

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