Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Whole New Blog


Well, at least I'm back, right? I've returned from grading hell, where I have completed 75% (a straight "C" of effort) of reviewing student work, and I have to say that for once, I am profoundly happy to be LEAVING SCHOOL BEHIND for 120 days. Bye bye! Come what may in the intellectual TV static of raising toddlers...bring on the no-holds-barred potty training and fear-of-the-swimmin pool madness. Who fucking cares that many sincere people are pushing their research/art efforts forward like individual bricks in a giant pyramid? I. don't. care. I laugh in their general direction!
So I'm having this party in July, right? Like taking one for the team and organizing a get-together of my old college buddies. But, like, it seems that no one, except people like YOU, dear reader, really cares. Like five people. Granted, you are five radical people; let us not underemphasize that. But still, when you put out an invitation to 30, and only five respond in a manner you aren't embarrassed to tell your spouse about...there is a problem.
Or maybe it's just the social media rhythm I don't understand.
You see, I am tempted to open up this party to folks from Other Locales (read: Houston), and let the coolness (as my students like to say) "intertwine" with that of thoroughly seasoned folks from late 80's Moraga.
This is kind of depressing me, actually.
I would like to have a big party where some old friends meet new friends, and not just rehash the past, but I would also like to honor said past....
Oh fuck it. I'm going to have another glass of crappy port.

On other matters, spring has done what it usually does for my anxiety level, which is to smother it. I could probably calculate the amount of money I would save on Paxil (over say, 40 years) if I just moved closer to the equator, and I bet it would be more than a plane ticket and a cheap piece of land. And many, many beans. This is something to ponder as I stoke the innumerable fires of the future in the Santa Cruz Mountains, freezing my culo off.

I have planted 28 "heirloom" tomato plants. I will update you as they produce.

Off to bed, because tomorrow begins at six and involves a round trip to UC Davis and back. Which, by the way, was a really crappy letdown after SMC in 1993. I Fled to Sacramento!


  1. Please can I be one of the "radical 5"?? I'm sure your party will be awesome, no matter how big or small it is! But I think I know how you feel; once or twice a year when I decide to be social for about 5 minutes and throw a party, I'm quickly discouraged by the difficulty in scraping together a list of desirable and receptive friends..!
    On a happier note, how great that you're already on summer break - how cool is that?

  2. Can "other locales" extend to Santa Fe? I would love an excuse to come visit. P.S. I hope that glass of crappy port brought you down off the ceiling.
