Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Materialistic Swooning

Home with the babes today. We are watching "Dumbo" (best line: "Have I got a trunk full of dirt for you!") and reading. I am drinking coffee.

While the girls were at grandma's this weekend, Jeff and I went to a Habitat for Humanity Re-Sale store and bought some doors for the front bedroom. One is an old swinging door that will separate the bedroom from the kitchen. We sanded, primed and painted them before the girls came back from Santa Cruz.

And the further good news is that Mary across the street is going to loan me her piano! It's electric, so you can practice with headphones on and no one will hear you. I figure that I can see how much I really commit to it before committing to buying one of my own.

Now I just need a hot tub and a boat and my Napa life will be complete.

Tell you what, SMC folk: I will have a hot tub here for you in July. This will be my goal.

1 comment:

  1. Lofty goal indeed! Like I needed another incentive to make a trip up to Napa..I'd be delighted just to see your cool recycled doors, kitchen cupboards, and whatever other projects you've already completed..!
